You will pay the price at the time of ordering & shipping costs. If there is a change in your address, please notify us to update your personal data. We’ll send you the updated address. Delivery can take a period of three weeks. Communication is a key element; you will be updated throughout the shipping process via E-mail or WhatsApp notifications. You will get the date of when you’ll be receiving the order. Once your order is shipped, you can easily track the shipment of your order. If any unforeseen natural disasters or weather delays happen, you will be notified. However, there is a strong likelihood that we will come across delays due to pandemics. Therefore, please feel free to track the order for more up-to-the-minute info. If there are customs or restrictions in your Country, you will have to pay the fees. Furthermore, if the package comes mishandled by the shipping company, you shall hold them accountable while taking the package or so according to your preference. If you want to return the package, then the customer shall pay warehouse and shipping charges. Cancellation charges are also applicable.